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E-Book Deals #1

This is a segment were I share with you some e-books for what I think are an amazing prize. These are beloved books, by myself or others, and I hope you will enjoy these.

The books I discuss here and the deals are on the Kobo site since that is where I buy my e-books. And I also don't know if the books will stay at this price. There is nothing I can do if the prices have changed again by the time you are reading this.

I put a link to where you can buy them.

The Complete Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy

Laini Taylor

This is one of my favorite series written by one of my favorite authors.

The world-building is spectacular and the writing phenomenal. And I particularity loved the magic system.

I have a little trouble explaining what this series is about so I will just link the Goodreads page here.

But I can not recommend these books enough so this is a pretty good chance to read them.

That is it from me for now. When I find others I will post them. Have fun reading.


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